This Security FAQ post contains answers to the most most frequently asked questions regarding how P3 HVAC Software secures information.
Security FAQ
How secure is the P3 software?
P3 uses the same encryption security protocol that banks use for their online banking.
Can the technician load the app on multiple devices?
No. The system allows a technician to load the app onto a single device only.
I had to fire a technician, how do I make sure he cannot access my company information?
In the system go to the technician tab and deactivate the technician. Then the next time they try to login, the system will prevent them from accessing any information. P3 forces every technician to log in once per day.
In the app, can I prevent a technician from seeing all customer records?
Yes, there is an option to allow each company to restrict customer information. The most common setting is allow the technician to see customer details only if they are assigned a service call to that customer.