Service Agreements

HVAC Service Agreement

Building a Solid Service Agreement Base

In contrast to an insurance policy or extended warranty, a service agreement is a pre-purchased, discounted maintenance agreement over a period of time to help increase business during slower times of the year.

Some HVAC companies think service agreements are just wins for the customer. In actuality though, both the business and the consumer win from them.

While the obvious cost discounts that a consumer receives is their biggest benefit, on the company side, employees also win. That’s because selling or extending a service agreement can result in them getting incentives, in the form of a monetary spiff or other bonus. While perhaps not a huge dollar amount per agreement, it can add up with volume.

In addition, a company that provides service agreements can enjoy a greater cash flow into their business. That’s because service agreements are prepaid or paid in increments, which means guaranteed revenue always coming in. Even more of an inventive, by offering a service agreement means you are keeping your techs and other employees busy (and employed), even during down times. That translates into less likelihood of losing good staff.

Lastly with a big purchase like of an HVAC product, offering a service agreement means a business can potentially stay top-of-mind with customers and a relationship can continue, and not just a one and done transaction. Service agreements increase the lifetime value of customers.

While some HVAC companies are afraid of service agreements simply because they are afraid to have to manage them, HVAC Business Solutions offers a tool that works great to facilitate the management that needs to go into them. That’s because P3 offers a report that allows owners and managers to see exactly how many service agreements are sold, when they are coming due, when they are not renewed––all in one single space. With P3, a business can always keep track, so they don’t feel like they are taking advantage of customers and at the same time not allow customers to take advantage of them.
