More Service Agreements Mean More Revenue

Service Agreement checklist

Any HVAC company you speak with will always say they want more profits. A straightforward way to do that is by having your team sell more service agreements.Service agreements aren’t just beneficial for the homeowner, but the HVAC business as well.

To make them work, though, you need a trained technician who can sell them.These types of individuals should not only be experts on what they say to customers. They also need to believe what they say and be passionate about it. That passion is what will close a deal and lead to new revenue.

Technicians, in many cases, need to be both knowledgeable technicians, as well as effective salespeople. They need to develop a relationship with the customer -truly understanding their needs. Being authentic can go a long way in building trust, so they listen to what techs have to say. Those are the conversations where technicians should ask essential questions, and those questions could lead to upselling additional services.

With P3 HVAC Software, service agreements for HVAC companies are made easy -and are organized. No more loads of paperwork and the contract becoming a “this is included, this isn’t included” scenario.With the software’s active reporting feature, you can easily see which contracts are active and which are up for renewals, along with reminders on tune-ups and other services that could be needed coming up.

Using our flat-rate pricing system makes it easy for your expert technician to sell the contract. It’s straightforward and easy to understand. This way, they can focus on what they do best, installing new systems, and doing proper maintenance.

For more information on P3 HVAC Software and our Service Agreement module, request a demo today or call 713-270-6400.So
