
P3 HVAC Software – Flat Rate Pricing FAQ

This Flat Rate Pricing FAQ post contains answers to the most most frequently asked questions regarding how P3 HVAC Software sets its flat rate prices.

Flat Rate Pricing FAQ

How do we set our parts price? Where does the information come from?

Through our wholesale partners we get parts prices from across the nation and use the average in our system.

How frequently is it updated?

Parts are updated once per year. However, when there are frequent fluctuations in the price of part, for example R22 in 2013, then we make updates to the price as often as the price is changing.

Can I set my own parts markup?

Yes. There is a default part markup, however, you can easily change the price ranges and the associated markup value to whatever is desired.

Can you change parts and parts price?

Yes. You can add your own parts and set your own parts price.  In addition, you can add your own repairs and your own services.  We have many companies that have added services and products outside of HVAC.

How many pricing columns can you have?

We keep it simple.  P3 displays a savings, discounted price for your service agreement customer, the regular/standard price and then the overtime or after hours price.  All columns headers are changeable so they can reflect the actual words you use with your customers.

What can be changed? 

Our system is very flexible. Since we know HVAC companies are different, we have provided a platform that allows dealers to quickly and easily change their information. A contractor can use the 24/7 web portal to change: Repair categories, repairs, repair prices, part prices, repair tasks, repair bullet point details, repair images, repair support materials, descriptions, components.

How do you handle refrigerant based repairs?

All repairs that require refrigerant exclude the cost of refrigerant as the amount of refrigerant from one repair to another can vary greatly. Therefore you would have two line items on your invoice – One for the cost of the repair and one for the cost of the refrigerant.

Do I have to manually enter part pricing?

No. The system already comes pre-loaded with all of the repairs, the labor hours, repair descriptions, parts and parts pricing.

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